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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jul 27, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay Otaheite] towards Timor in the East Indies – 1792

Friday July 27th

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and cloudy with a "troubled Sea"

 3 pm: Strong gales Split the fore Topsail – unbent it and bent the 2d best

 5 pm: Sailmaker employed repairing the old Fore Top Sail, and the people fitting the new one – worked the pumps as usual – at 5 close reefed the Fore and Main and handed Mizen Top Sail & Main sail – at 6 hauled up the Fore sail – at 8 strong gales and cloudy with a following Sea – Ship rolling deep down Fore Top Gallant Yard

 1 am:Whytootackee/Aitutaki Island
The NW Side of Whytootackay about 3 Miles distant

 4 am: Strong gales and fair weather – ship rolling deep – down Main Top Gallant Yard

 6 am: Set the foresail

 8 am: Set the Mizen Top Sail – out 4th Reefs Fore & Main Top Sails Sailmaker repairing the old Fore Top Sail Seamen fitting the new one – at 10 out 3d Reefs Fore & Main Top Sail – Served fresh Pork as usual – cleaned below

12 noon: At Noon fresh Gales and cloudy with a high confused Sea, ship rolling very deep – Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 18°..57′ South

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