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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jul 26, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay Otaheite [towards Timor in the East Indies – 1792]

Remarks Thursday July 26th

[sidenote] Tacking and laying too occasionally under the western part of ye Island of Whytootackay

 1 pm: Squally with severe squalls from the land and light showers at times – at ½ past 12 hove too – at 4 the extremes of the Island from SE6°E to S9°E – round Hill S56°E Western Key S11°W North part of the Reef S15°W distant off shore 4 or 5 Miles – at 5 bore away – at 6 the Extremes of the Land from S83°E to S55°E The round hill S75°E distant 3 or 4 Leagues

10 pm: worked the pumps as usual – at 7 in 3d Reef Fore Top Sail – at 9 In 3d Reef Main Top Sail

12 mid: Strong gale with frequent squalls & light showers of rain, a great Sea from the SE

 5 am: Out 3d Reef Main Top Sail

 6 am: at 6 made more sail – Saw tropic birds and flying fish

 8 am: At 8 fresh gales and cloudy with much Sea, set the Main sail – washed the Gun, Orlop and cockpit decks – People making mats for the foot of the fore and fore Topsail at 10 out 2d Reef Main Top Sail – Carpenters working at the plant house and making boats yards

12 noon: Served fresh pork, and bread [fruit] the plantains being expended – at Noon a fresh gale and fair weather Assistant in Company
Latitude Observed 18°..45½′ South

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