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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jul 20, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Matavai Bay Otaheite [towards Timor in the East Indies in 1792]

Remarks Friday July 20th

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and fair weather – out 3d Reef Main Top Sail and set the Main Top Gallant Sail

 2 pm: at 2 a moderate breeze out 2d Reefs of the Top Sails and set Lower and Fore Top Mast Steering sails – at 4 the western part of Moreea S12°W Eastern part S43°E distant off shore 7 or 8 Miles – Unbent the sheet cable – at 6 the extremes of Moreea from EbS to SE½Squall – hauled down ye starboard steering sails – distant off the western part of Moreea at 6 OClock 5 or 6 Leagues & the High peak mountain SEbE –

 8 pm: at 8 moderate and fair – at 11 Squally at AM two [far?] back Whales close to to the Ship

 6 am: at 6 AM very hazy saw Huhaheine [Huahine or Huaheine] and Ulietea – extremes of Huhaheine from N25°E to N12°E distant 6 Leagues and of Ulietea from N37°W to N60°W distant 5 or 6 Leagues – set the staysails

 8 am: at 8 a fresh Gale and very hazy – The Eastermost part of Ulietea N10°E Westermost part N18°W – The East high land N3°E The West high Land N12°W distant off shore 4 or 5 Leagues – Up all Chests and bags washed the gun, orlop, and cockpit decks – Served fresh pork, bread fruit and plantains to the Ships company – stowed the bower anchors –

12 noon: At Noon a fresh gale and hazy, Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 17°..09′ South

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