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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Apr 9, 1792

H M S Providence from Adventure Bay Van [Diemens Land towards Otaheite – 1792]

Monday April 9th

 1 pm: A Moderate breeze and fine weather – at 4 The Body of Maitea South Distant 1½ Miles – Saw three Canoes heading towards the Ship – Shortened Sail and hove too on the Starboard Tack at ½ past 4 wore Ship, lowered down the Jolly boat and sent her on board the Assistant – She returned with Mr. Portlock – The Canoes came along Side with some bread fruit and Cocoa Nuts to Trade – at ½ past 5 the boat carried Mr. Portlock on board the Tender – two more Canoes came along side – hoisted up the Jolly boat at 6 bore up and made Sail. Maitea bearing East Distant 5 or 6 Miles – at ½ past 6 down Steering Sails and In 1st & 2d Reefs Topsails at ½ past 12 Strong breezes and Squally with heavy Showers – Clewed up the Topsails and took in the 3d Reef Fore & Main and handed Mizen Topsail – at 4 Fresh breezes and fair weather – unstowed the Anchors, at 7 hove too head to the North at 8 Thick Squally weather – Extremes of Otaheite bore from WBS to SSE½E

 8 am: at ½ past 8 bore up, out Reefs 3d of the Top Sails set Top Gallant Sails – at ½ past 11 after making many Short Tacks brought to an Anchor in Matavai Bay Otaheite in 9 fathoms water with the Best Bower

Handed Sails, and hoisted out the Boats
At Noon fresh Breezes and fair weather – Assistant at an Anchor within us – Broached a puncheon of Spruce Beer

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