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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Apr 8, 1792

[H M S Providence from Adventure Bay] Van Diemens Land towards Otahytey

Sunday April 8th

 1 pm: Fresh Trade and fair weather – Bent the Bower Cables – Armourer at the forge

 4 pm: The Ships Company were examined by the Surgeon for the Venereal Disease

 5 pm: Took an Account of the peoples cloaths

 6 pm: at 6 fair and hazy – worked the pumps

 7 pm: at 7 a Shower of Rain – at 8 fresh breeze and fair weather

 3 am:Maitea Island
Maitea W½S 5 or 6 Leagues distant

 4 am: Fine weather – Saw a Man of War Bird a flying fish and a Tropic Bird

 6 am: Served thick portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast – Cleaned below and aired with the Stoves – Mustered the Ships Company in Divisions – Read a set of Orders to the Ships Company for the Establishment of an amicable intercourse with the Natives of the South Sea Islands – at 10 Saw the Island of Maitea bearing West distant 10 or 11 Leagues made the Signal for Seeing Land, answered by the Assistant Served Krout and wort – Captain Bligh read prayers to the People – at Noon a fresh Trade and fair weather with haze on the Horizon – Maitea W¼Squall about 7 Leagues Distant Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 17°..55′ South

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