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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Apr 2, 1792

[H M S Providence from Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land] towards Otaheite – 1792

Monday April 2d

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and fair weather

 2 pm: Saw three Red Tailed Tropic Birds

 5 pm: Worked the pumps – Saw an Egg Bird

 6 pm: Down Steering Sails and in 1st Reefs – Set the Fore Top Mast Studding Sail

10 pm: Cloudy weather

12 mid: Light breezes and clear weather

 4 am: Cloudy

 5 am: A Light Shower of rain – Out Reefs and set Steering Sails on both Sides – Saw a small Brown Sheerwater

 8 am: Fresh Breezes and fair weather – in Larboard Steering Sails – The People had the same breakfast as yesterday – Washed the Gun, Orlop, and Cockpit Decks and aired with the Stoves in the Fore & after Cockpits (as usual) – Exercised the Marines at platoon firing – The Sailmaker making Caps for the Swivel [holes?] – Served Wort and Krout as usual and the weekly allowance of Vinegar – Bore cole and Portable Soup mixed with oatmeal for dinner – Measured the Log Line

12 noon: At Noon moderate breeze a fair weather – Assistant in Company – Carpenters repairing ye Launch
   Latitude Observed 27°..18′ South

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