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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Mar 31, 1792

[H M S Providence from Adventure Bay Van Diemens] Land towards Otaheite – 1792

Saturday March 31st

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and cloudy weather the water remarkably smooth – Shortened Sail and sent the Jolly Boat on board the Assistant – She returned with Mr. Portlock; hoisted her up and made sail – Painted the Launch Saw Two Tropic Birds and three other small Sea Birds of a light brown color and white heads – Some of the Seamen called them Egg Birds – Exercised the Boats crews with small Arms – & Marines at Platoon firing &c

 5 pm: at ½ past 5 Shortened Sail and hove too, sent the Jolly boat on board the Assistant with Mr. Portlock ¾ past 5 she returned hoisted her up – In 1st Reefs and made Sail at 8 moderate and cloudy weather

10 pm: at 10 Squally with flying Showers

11 pm: at 11 In Top Gallant Sails and 2d Reefs Top Sails

12 mid: at Midnight fresh Breezes with a swell from the NNW – at 2 Thick rainy weather with Squalls – at 4 In 3d Reefs Top Sails – at 6 Squally with Rain – at 8 a moderate breeze with dark cloudy unsettled weather – out 3d Reefs – The People had the same Breakfast as yesterday – Cleaned below and aired with the Stoves – Served Krout and wort as usual – at ½ past 10 the wind shifted Suddenly and cleared up – Hauled up the Mainsail and out 2d Reef Main & Mizen Top Sail set Top Gallant Sails

12 noon: At Noon a moderate breeze and fair weather – Assistant in Company – Out 1st Reef Main & Mizen Top Sails – Loosed the small Sails to dry – Broached a puncheon of Spruce Beer for the Ships Company – Punished James Davis Marine with 12 Lashes for disobedience of Orders and insolence to the Serjeant Saw Two of the same Sea Birds as yesterday Evening
   Latitude Observed 30°..46′South

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