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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Mar 2, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Adventure Bay Van Diemens [Land towards Otaheite in 1792]

Friday March 2d 1792

 1 pm: Moderate Breeze and fair weather

 3 pm: Saw a number of Porpoises, one was struck with the Harpoon

 5 pm: Saw Sheerwaters, Mother Careys Chickens – Silver Birds (and large Flocks of Albatrosses on the Water)

 8 pm: Let in fresh Water and pumped it out again as usual (daily)

10 pm: Heavy dew falling and fine Night – All Sail set

11 pm: The Same Luminous appearance

12 mid: Dark cloudy weather

 4 am: Hazy weather

 5 am: A Seal and some Rock weed was seen

 7 am: Served Thick Gruel, and portable Soup for Breakfast

 8 am: Variable weather throughout the forenoon.

 9 am: A Fresh Breeze

10 am: Saw a number of Porpoises, Albatrosses, Sheerwaters, Silver Birds and Mother Careys Chickens Two [?] Whales and a good [?] of Rock week in large patches – Cleaned below and aired with fires – Krout and sweet wort as usual – and Krout in the pease for dinner

12 noon: Moderate Breezes and cloudy Saw some Divers and Porpoises – Sailmaker & Carpenters employed
    Latitude Observed 49°..32′ South

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