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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Nov 1, 1791

[Log &c. of H M S Providence from Port Praya in the Island of St. Iago] towards the Cape of Good Hope in 1791

Tuesday November 1st 1791

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and cloudy

 2 pm: Unbent the old and bent the new Main Topsail

 3 pm: Scrubbed a new fore Top Gallant Sail – unbent the old & bent the new one

 6 pm: Drizzling rain – Shortened Sail for the Assistant – In 2d Reef Fore Topsail

 8 pm: Fires all night to air Ship

10 pm: Lightning to the Southward

11 pm: Shew a Light which the Assistant answered

12 mid: Fresh Gale and thick rainy weather

 2 am: Rain

 4 am: Fresh Gale and dark weather with [?] rain

 6 am: In 2d Reefs Main & Mizen Topsail and shortened Sail for the Tender

 8 am: Hard rain – Saw a number of Sheerwaters and some Albatrosses – Cleaned below and aired the Ship with fires – Saw a small kind of white Gull called a [Gannup?] – at 9 Fair weather and light rain at ½ past sprung up a fresh breeze from [Westward?] Out all Reefs Main & Mizen Top Sails and 2d Fore Top Sail Set Top Gallant Sails and steering Sails

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Breezes fair weather with haze
   Latitude Observed 31°..04′ South

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