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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 31, 1791

Log &c. of H M S Providence from Port Praya in the Island of St. Iago [towards the Cape of Good Hope in 1791]

Monday October 31st

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and cloudy weather – a swell from the Southward

 2 pm: Saw a number of Porpoises

 8 pm: Moderate Breeze and thick cloudy weather with drizzling rain at times

10 pm: Shortened Sail for the Assistant – In 2d Reefs Fore Topsail and 1st Mizen Top Sail

11 pm: Saw some porpoises

12 mid: A Luminous appearance on the water

 1 am: Fires all night to air Ship

 4 am: Moderate and cloudy out 2d Reef Fore Top Sail and set the Fore Top Mast Studding Sail

 8 am: Fresh Breezes and dark cloudy weather – cleaned below and aired with fires – Sailmaker and Carpenters repectively employed – Saw Albatrosses & Sheerwaters – Scrubbed and Dipped [?] a new Main Topsail – The Caulkers on the Gun deck and the people in the fore hold getting fresh Water to hand, and [?] whole [?] [?] Water

12 noon: These 24 Hours spared the Assistant much sail – Latitude by Indifferent Observation 30°..02′ South

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