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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 1, 1791

Log Book &c. of H M S Providence from Port Praya in the Island [of S. Iago towards the Cape of Good Hope – 1791]

Saturday October 1 1791

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and clear weather – Employed working up Junk – saw three Men of War birds, several Sea fowl of the Gull species, and a number of flying fish

 5 pm: A swell from the Southward – Opened a Cask of Beef No 1173 Contents 66 double pieces

 8 pm: Light Breezes and cloudy – Fires at night to air the Ship

 4 am: Moderate with a slight haze the air very cool

 7 am: Squally with small Rain

 8 am: Moderate Breeze and fine pleasant weather The air cool – The people employed washing and mending their cloaths – Saw a vast number of fish & some Men of War birds

10 am: Kept the Stoves lighted in the Cockpits

12 noon: At Noon under single Reefed Top Sails and Top Gallant Sails – The Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 1°..45′ North

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