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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 22, 1791

[Log Book of H M S Providence from Spithead towards the] Cape of Good Hope – 1791

Monday August 22d

 1 pm: Moderate and clear the fog deepened

 2 pm: Clear Weather

 3 pm: All Sail set – People employed knotting yarns

 4 pm: Some Bonettas about the Ship

 5 pm: The Cloaths &c of Mr. John Day Midshipman who absconded from the Ship, were sold at the Mast By Auction

 1 am: Ver fair Weather – All sail set

 2 am: The Breeze increasing

10 am: Exercised the Marines with small Arms – Cleaned dry between Decks

11 am: Dried the Small Sails

12 noon: At Noon all sail set, the Assistant in Company – [indecipherable]
   Latitude Observed 37..43 North
Thermometer in ye Shade 74 Captain Bligh

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