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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Apr 15-19, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Matavie Bay Otaheite

April 1792

Sunday 15  Light Airs & fine Weather Employed picking Oacham & Carpenters making Salt boxes for 3 Pound Cartridges AM Cleaned below the Natives Trading as usual

Monday 16  Light breezes & fine Weather AM Employed clearing away in the After Hold to get Salt to hand Sent all our Marines on Shore to do Duty at the Post per order of the Commodore

Tuesday 17  First part Fresh breezes & Cloudy with Rain PM People Employed picking Oacham Received Water per Cutter for present use Middle part Moderate & Hazey with Rain at times Latter Light breezes & Cloudy People Employed as before Carpenter making an Arm Chest for the Boats At Noon Light winds & fine Weather Natives Trading as usual

Wednesday 18  First & Middle parts Light Variable winds Employed as before began on Shore to Collect the Bread Fruit plants & got Potted & under Cover before Sunset 34 Plants Received on board John Wetstaff one of the Crew of the late Ship Matilda as Supernumerary per order of the Commodore Served Slops to him he being Naked Latter parts Moderate & Cloudy with Rain at Times Employed as before

Thursday 19  All this day Light Variable winds & Cloudy with Rain at Times People Employed Occasionally & Carpenter as before PM at ½ past 5 unmoored at 6 Weighed & Towed farther to the NE at 7 Came too with the Best bower in 10 Fathoms water over a bottom of Fine Black Sand Veered away & Moored the Best bower to the ENE & the Small bower to the WSW Single Tree upon Point Venus bearing N30E & the Point of the Reef of Point Venus N32W & Oparre point S62W People Employed Cackling & Rounding the Cables Carpenter as before

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