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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Apr 10-14, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Matavie Bay Otaheite

April 1792

Tuesday 10  All this day Moderate & fine pleasant Weather at 2 PM Moored Ship with the Small bower to the Westward & Best bower to the Eastward ½ a Cable on the Best bower & ⅓ of a Cable on the Small bower Point Venus bearing S18E One Tree Hill S20 West & the Westward part of the Bay S69W ... A number of the Natives on board Trading in a Friendly manner, dried & unbent the Studding Sails Got down Top Gallant yards & unbent the Sails AM a number of the Natives Trading as before .. Bent the Sheet Cable & got the Anchor over the Gunwhale ... Employed picking Oacham &c .. Served Fresh Provisions to the Ships Company

Wednesday 11  All this day fine pleasant Weather PM People Employed picking Oacham & upon the Rigging AM Cleaned below Employed clearing away in the After Hold for Salt .. the Natives Trading as before

Thursday 12  Ditto Weather Employed picking Oacham AM Hoisted out the Launch Employed clearing the decks & raising the Booms to serve as Spaning for the Spars Stowed the Spars Natives Trading as before

Friday 13  Ditto Weather at 1 PM detected an Indian on the Cables attempting to Steal a Jacket sent a boat & caught him & sent him on board the Commodore where he Received a Slight punishment & was dismissed People Employed picking Oacham Sent the Cutter on Shore (Armed) for Water at 8 discovered an Indian on the Cables . We sent a boat after him & the Providence sent Two boats, Fired 2 Musquets at him & caught him when near on Shore (This Man proved to be the same that was Punished on board the Providence for Attempting to Steal the Jacket) Sent him again on board the Commodore AM People Employed picking Oacham . Got the Swivels up & Mounted & Fixed Two Brass Blunderbusses on the Capstan Carpenter making covers for the Locks of the 3 Pounders & Sailmaker making Ditto for the Swivels Loosed the Courses to dry

Saturday 14  Moderate breezes & pleasant Weather Carpenter & Sailmaker Employed as before & others picking Oacham Handed the Courses AM Employed as before loosed the Topsails to Air ... Natives Trading as before

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