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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Nov 18-23, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Table Bay Cape of Good Hope

November 1791

Friday 18  First part Fresh Gales PM Employed upon the Rigging & making Platts Sailmaker mending the Topsail that was damaged & Carpenter as before at 5 Struck Top Gallant masts Middle part Strong Gales & Clear Latter more moderated Employed as before Received on board 20 pounds of Fresh Mutton & 20 pounds of Soft Bread

Saturday 19  First part Strong breezes & Cloudy PM Sent Joseph [Woof?] Marine & William Dyer Seaman to Sick Quarters Carpenter & Sailmaker Employed as before got the Sheet Anchor over the Gunwhale & bent the Cable Middle & Latter parts Strong Gales & Clear People Employed making Matts & about the Rigging

Sunday 20  First part Fresh Gales & Cloudy Weather PM Employed as before as it is blowing hard made the Signal to strike Topmasts Captain Bligh being in the Country for the benefit of his health Middle part Fresh Gales with heavy Squalls Latter Moderate & Cloudy Swayed up the Topmasts Received 30 pounds of Fresh Mutton & 21 pounds of Bread

Monday 21  First part Light Airs Inclinable to Calm Middle moderate & hazey Latter Moderate & fine Weather Unrigged the Fore yard Sailmaker & Carpenter Employed as before sent 2 Hogsheads 7 Halfhogsheads to the Tent Received 30 pounds of Mutton & 27 pounds of Soft Bread

Tuesday 22  Moderate & Cloudy with Rain PM Rigged a new Fore yard & got it across Anchored here an American from the Isle of France bound to Boston ... Punished Richard Irving Seaman with 12 Lashes for disobedience of Orders & Contempt to his Superior Officer AM Received Water per Cutter Employed making Platts Spunyarn &c Anchored here & Saluted a Dutch East Indiaman from Amsterdam bound to Batavia Sailmaker as before Carpenter fitting a [Slip/Step] to a Jigger mast Received on board 23 pounds of Fresh Mutton & 15 pounds of Soft Bread

Wednesday 23  Moderate & Cloudy Weather PM People Employed Rigging a Jigger mast &c Sailmaker Enlarging the Fore Topsail AM Fresh breezes & hazey with Rain sent a new Foresail to the Tent to be enlarged ... Sent Mr. Gore the Corporal of Marine & Mr. Frankland to Sick Quarters & Received {? ? ?] from Ditto Received 26 pounds of Mutton & 20 pounds Bread Employed reeving Running Rigging

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