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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jan 19, 1793

Remarks ♄ [Saturday] 19th Towards the West Indies

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes & fair Weather

 2 pm: Frequent Squalls – made and shortened Sail occasionally.

 3 pm: Sailmakers repairing the old Fore topsail.

 4 pm: Fine Weather Bent the old Fore topsail again

 5 pm: Pumps worked, Decks wetted &c as usual every Evening withing the Tropics.

 7 pm: Squally with a few drops of rain – In Studding sails and single reefed the Fore topsail.

 8 pm: Steady fresh Trade and fine clear Night It was with some Satisfaction we saw the North Pole Star, a sight we have been deprived of now about 15 Months. our old Friend Orion whom e have been accustomed to see the whole Voyage, begins now to assume his upright Position and the Cross with the bright feet of the Centaur are sensibly depressed and I hope will shortly disappear. all these little Circumstances tho' well known to arise from natural Causes, yet when observed, insensibly lead one to reflect on our native Shore – a pleasing thought after two years absence.

 8 am: Fresh Trade and fine Weather carrying all possible sail. Washed the Gun, Orlop and Cockpit Decks – Aired with Fires – Sailmakers repairing the Jib & Fore Top Mast Studding sail. People washing and mending their Cloths

11 am: Squally threatning Weather Shortened and made Sail occasionally – Wind very variable – Spruce Beer for the People today.

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Breezes and squally Weather with fine clear Intervals.
Assistant in Company.

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