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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jan 11, 1793

Remarks ♀ [Friday] 11th From St Helena to the West Indies

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and cloudy Weather

 4 pm: Light Airs & Cloudy but not unpleasant Weather

 7 pm: Porpoises about the Ship

 8 pm: Ditto Weather Heavy clouds rising

 9 pm: In royals and lower Studding sail

10 pm: Lightning from the NE

12 mid: Moderate Breezes and fair Weather

 3 am: Cloudy

 4 am: Set royals and all possible sail

 5 am: Saw many flying fish and two of a Species of Dolphin called by Seamen Yellow Tails

 8 am: Fresh Trade and cloudy Weather Sun out at Intervalsd sufficient to give us a Sett of Azimuths and Altitudes for the Time – Exercised great Guns and small Arms

10 am: At 10 Made the Signal and spoke the Assistant – all well the Captain sent Mr Portlock a Peice of fresh Pork by a Line and Breaker

11 am: Saw Numbers of flying fish but very few Birds, indeed very few this several Days A Puncheon of spruce Beer broached today

12 noon: At Noon Moderate Breeze & fair Weather
Assistant in Company.

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