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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Nov 30, 1792

Remarks ♀[Friday] November 30th H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Fresh Gales & fair Weather

 2 pm: Sailmakers repairing the Top Gallant sails.

 3 pm: Squally Weather Third reefed the Main topsail.

 4 pm: Ditto Weather

 5 pm: Carried away the strop of the Main topsail sheet block and the foremost Main puttock [futtock] shroud took in the Topsail, fitted new ones and set the sail again – third reefed the Mizen topsail

 8 pm: Strong Gales & squally Weather with some Spots of Rain – Struck Top gallant Masts.

12 mid: Heavy Gusts of wind, some sea and the spray frequently breaking over the Ship.

 4 am: Fresh Gales & fine Weather Wore Ship, as did the Assistant.

 6 am: Wind moderating – Out 3 reefs and swayed up the Main Top gallant Mast.

 8 am: A steady fresh Gale & fine Weather some Pintados and Sheerwaters about. Aired the Cockpits with Fires – People employed upon necessary Duty – Aired the small Sails

11 am: Out 2nd reefs and swayed up the Fore Top Gallant mast

12 noon: At Noon A fresh Breeze and fair Weather
   Assistant in Company.

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