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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Nov 14, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 14th Towards the Cape of Good Hope

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and clear Weather Out 2nd reefs – Saw an Albatross – Passed thro' a Field of brown Scum

 3 pm: People picking Oakum & Sailmakers about the Top Gallant sails

 5 pm: Got up the Main Top Gallant yard and set the Sail – Heavy Sea and Ship pitching considerably

 8 pm: Moderate Breezes and cloudy Weather

12 mid: Light Breezes and fair Weather

 2 am: The Assistant standing upon our Lee beam

 4 am: Fine Weather Got up the Fore Top Gallant yard – Out 1st reefs and made all possible Sail – Saw a Pintada Bird

 8 am: Ditto Weather Cleared between Decks and washed below People picking Oakum & Carpenters caulking the Upper Deck. Topmen exercised at Small Arms – Albacores playing about the Ship the whole Morning – Saw some Sheerwaters – Quite Calm – took in the small Sails and lowered down the Topsails.

12 noon: At Noon Clear Weather a long swell from the Westward – Ship rolling deep
Assistant in Company.

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