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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Nov 10, 1792

Remarks November 10th In the Indian Ocean – Homewards

 1 pm: Light Breezes and cloudy Weather with a hazey Horizon – A long Swell still comes from the SW which leaves no Doubt of the Wind having been prevalent and strong in that Quarter – some Dolphins seen and several Dragon flies

 6 pm: Light Airs and calms

 8 pm: Calm Weather a heavy Dew falling – Ships pitching and rolling considerably to the Head swell

12 mid: Cloudy Weather A Man looking out at the Topmast Head as usual and the Assistant carrying a Light ahead

 4 am: Light Breezes and fine Weather

 5 am: Set all the Studding sails forward

 6 am: Saw some Dolphins – A heavy cross Swell from the SW

 8 am: Light Breezes & fair Weather Cleared between Decks and washed below for & aft, Aired the Cockpits with Stoves

10 am: Saw an Albatross upon the Water – The Air remarkably damp this 3 or 4 Days

12 noon: At Noon Light Breezes and fine Weather a cross Swell
Assistant in Company
Grog served to the People

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