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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Nov 3, 1792

Remarks Saturday 3rd In the Indian Ocean Homewards

 1 pm: Light Breezes and cloudy Weather

 2 pm: Carpenters caulking the Main Deck forward – Roused the Sails up out of the Sail room, overhauled and stowed them away again

 4 pm: Ditto Weather Took in the Larboard Lower Studding sail

 6 pm: Light Airs and cloudy Weather a long still Swell from the NE Took in all the Studding sails and 1st reef of the Topsails

 9 pm: Moon hid by the clouds which move gently to the Eastward

12 mid: Light Airs Calms and fine Weather Clouds all passed over and Moon bright – Some black Clouds rising which produced a few drops of small rain

 4 am: Cloudy Weather

 5 am: Saw a Sand piper and Sea fowl like Gulls

 8 am: Light Airs and cloudy Weather cleared between Decks and washed fore and aft

 9 am: A Shoal of the [?] Dolphins following the Ship, one of them was struck but he made his Escape and we were not so fortunate as to hook any we had a flock of Sheerwaters and two Sharks about us at the same time – Set Studding sails Saw a Peice of wood and Numbers of Squid which I imagine had collected the Birds – Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer as before

12 noon: At Noon Light Airs, the Sun visible but a very black Sky in the SW – Made the Assistants Signal to come within Hail when the Captain sent Mr Portlock a Peice of fresh Pork

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