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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Oct 22, 1792

Remarks Monday 22nd In the Indian Ocean

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and thick cloudy Weather

 4 pm: Cloudy unpleasant Weather and threatning rain Worked the Pumps and wetted the Decks as usual in the Evening – Before Dark – In Studding sails Top Gallant sails and 2nd reefs

 8 pm: Thick Weather with some spots of tain – Tood a third reef in the Fore and Main topsails

12 mid: Dark cloudy Weather threatning Squalls – Assistant ahead carrying a Light

 4 am: Fresh Gales

 5 am: Out 3rd reefs

 6 am: Out 2nd reefs, set Top Gallant sails & Fore topmast studding sail – Saw some Birds and a few flying Fish

 9 am: Passed by a Spar covered with Barnacles – Unbent the Cables and stowed the Anchors Carpenters caulking the Water ways on the Main Deck, People employed upon occasional Duty & Sailmakers repairing the best Main topsail

12 noon: Fresh Gale and dark cloudy Weather No Appearance of tghe Sun near Noon
Assistant in Company ahead

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