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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Oct 21, 1792

Remarks Sunday October 21st H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Fresh Gale & fair Weather with Haze on the Horizon – A considerable Swell from the ESE – Out 2nd reefs & set Studding sails – Saw some Sheerwaters & flying Fish – Dark Skiy to the Eastward Took in the Lower studding sails – People washing and mending their Cloaths

 8 pm: Cloudy Weather a fresh Breeze and some Sea running – Took in the Fore Topmast studding sail

12 mid: Ditto Weather The Assistant ahead carrying a Light

 4 am: Very hazey Weather At Daybreak made all possible Sail

 8 am: Fresh Gale and thick hazey Weather frequent Squalls – Fires in the Cockpits & Stoves – Ships Company mustered in Divisions and Divine Service performed – Saw Sheerwaters, Gannet Boobies, Men of War Birds & flying Fish

12 noon: At Noon – Fresh Gale & Cloudy Weather Hazey about the Horizon, but the Sun out at Times
The Assistant ahead in Company

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