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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Aug 31, 1792

Remarks Friday August 31st 1792 Providence

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather

 2 pm: People working up Junk

 4 pm: Ditto Weather Saw a Number of Birds & flying Fish

 6 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 7 pm: Before Dark – In Studding sails Top Gallant sail and 2nd reefs – Spoke the Assistant – All clear ahead

 9 pm: Flying clouds

12 mid: Caught several Noddies

 2 am: More Noddies about the Ship and some Porpoises

 4 am: Moderate Breezes & fine Weather very hazey about the Horizon

 6 am: Out reefs and made all Sail

 7 am: Saw a Number of Birds of different Species

 8 am: Ditto Weather

 9 am: Saw large Flocks of Birds of the Gull kind, some Patches of rock weed, numbers of Bonetas, flying Fish and Noddies

12 noon: At Noon – Moderate Breezes and fine Weather with Haze on the Horizon
Assistant in Company

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