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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jul 30, 1792

Remarks Monday July 30th Providence

 1 pm: Light Breezes and fair Weather ¼ past One Hove too and sent the Whale boat on board the Assistant for Lieutenant Portlock – ¾ past the Boat returned Made Sail

 6 pm: At 6 Hove too and Lieutenant Portlock returned – At ½ past 6 Made Sail when the Assistant had got some Distance ahead

10 pm: Fine clear Weather

12 mid: The Assistant about a Mile ahead carrying a Light

 2 am: Clear calm Night

 5 am: At Day break Out all reefs

 6 am: Saw some Tropic Birds

 9 am: Sailmakers and People employed about the Sails

10 am: Saw a Whale under the Brigs stern – Vinegar served as usual at Sea on this day

12 noon: Light Airs & Cloudy Weather
The Assistant in Company

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