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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jul 29, 1792

Remarks Sunday 29th In the South Sea

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes & Cloudy Weather the Sea much fallen

 3 pm: People washing and mending their Clothes

 5 pm: Light rain – Took in the Fore topmast Steering sails

 7 pm: At 7 the Wind flew suddenly round accompanied with heavy rain, the Ship taken aback up Courses and brought her too upon the Larboard Tack – In 2nd reefs

 9 pm:At 9 the Rain abates

12 mid: Frequent Showers of Rain

 2 am: Light Airs and cloudy Weather

 5 am: Out 2nd Reefs and set the Courses

 6 am: Up Top Gallant yards and set the Sails – Saw some Tropic Birds

 8 am: Moderate Breeze & fair Weather A swell from the SE – Loosed the small Sails to dry – Got up all wet Cloaths, Chests &c and washed below fore and aft – Ships Company mustered in Divisions, seen clean and Divine Service performed to them by the Captain
Water Gruel for the People Breakfasts and the old Sea allowance as from Adventure Bay

12 noon: At Noon Moderate Breezes and fine Weather
The Assistant in Company

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