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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jul 26, 1792

Remarks Thursday July 26th 1792 Providence

[Side note] As we were constantly tacking and heaving too it was impossible to keep up the Log. I have therefore taken a fresh Departure from the Round Hill, which at the Time of our bearing away, I reckon to bear S65°W per Compass distant 5 Miles —

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and Squally Weather A small Island or Key on the West side of the Island bore S¼W and West Extreme of Reef SbyW. Numbers of flying fish – ½ past Noon – Hove too and some Canoes came alongside – At 3 the Whale boat sent on board the Assistant for Mr Portlock at 4 he returned. Extremes of the Island from S86° to S9°E Round Hill S56°E Westmost Key S11°W Off shore 4 or 5 Miles

 5 pm: Showers of Rain At 5 Bore away – At 6 The Extremes of the Island S83° to 53°E Round Hill S75°E 3 or 4 Leagues – 3rd reefed the Topsails

10 pm: A heavy Sea from the SEastward

12 mid: Strong Gales and squally with frequent Showers of Rain

 2 am: A Hand kept at the Bow sprit end to look out as usual

 5 am: At 5, Out 3rd reef Main topsail

 6 am: At Day break Made more sail – Saw some Tropic Birds

 8 am: Fresh Gales and Cloudy Weather A heavy Sea running Washed and cleaned below fore and aft – People making Matts – Bread served at ⅔rds Allowance as before to the Ships Company the Plantains being done – Fresh Pork served as before

12 noon: Fresh Gale and fair Weather
Assistant in Company ahead

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