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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Apr 8, 1792

Remarks Sunday 8th Towards Otaheite

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather

 2 pm: The Armourer working at the Forge

 3 pm: Mustered and took an Account of the Peoples Cloathing – The Ships Company examined by the Surgeon to prevent any Venereal Infection to the Inhabitants of Otaheite

 5 pm: Fair Weather with haze

 6 pm: A light Shower of Rain

 8 pm: Fresh Breeze and fair Weather

 9 pm: All Sail set

12 mid: A fine clear Night – A Man out at the Bow-sprit end and a particular look out kept

 4 am: Fine Weather – Saw a Tropic, a Man of War bird and some flying fish

 7 am: Cleared the Gun Deck and washed below – Aired with Fires

 9 am: The Ships Company mustered in Divisions and had Articles read to them for establishing an amicable Intercourse with the Natives of the South Sea Islands (see next Page)

10 am: At 10 Saw the Island of Maitea bearing West about 10 Leagues. The Signal made for that Purpose – Divine Service performed – Wort as usual

12 noon: At Noon Maitea bore W¼S 7 Leagues – Fresh Trade and fair Weather
The Assistant in Company

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