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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jun 23, 1793

Remarks &c Sunday 23rd June 1793

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and dark cloudy weather

 2 pm: Heavy squall with rain – In Top Gallant Sails. Up Courses – close reefed the Fore and Main Top Sails, and handed Mizen Top Sail – At 2 set the Foresail and wore ship, more moderate set the Top Sails

 4 pm: At 4 moderate breezes and cloudy weather Out 4th & 3rd reefs Fore & Main Top Sails and set single reef Mizen Top Sail – Exercised great Guns and small Arms. Worked the Pumps as usual

12 mid: Fresh breezes and fair weather

 2 am: Tacked ship – Sounded no ground with 106 fathoms Line.

 4 am: At day light three sail in sight in the NW another in the NE. Assistant and Prize in company. At 5 Tacked ship, saw a strange sail from the Mast head on the Lee bow. Served the usual Breakfast of thick Portable Soup Gruel.

 8 am: Moderate breezes and cloudy weather

 9 am: Cleaned below. Mustered in Divisions, and exercised Great Guns and small Arms. Loosed the small sails to dry. Hoisted the Colours, which was answered by a ship to leeward with those of English – At 11 Tacked ship

12 noon: At Noon moderate breezes and fair weather with haze; Assistant and Prize in company, and the 3 ships which sailed from Bluefields with us, bearing NW distant 6 or 7 miles
   Latitude Observed [blank]

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