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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook May 15-17, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal

May 1793

Wednesday 15th. First part moderate breezes and thick weather with constant rain – middle part heavy squalls and rain – latter part fresh breezes with heavy showers – PM. arrived a french Brig, prize to the Polly & Jane, armed Schooner. AM fires made in the Cockpits and betwixt decks to air the ship. Carpenters employed taking down the Bulk-Heads of the Officers Cabins to receive 4 additional Guns. Made the Advice's signal for a Midshipman. Received no fresh Beef

Thursday 16th First and middle parts fresh gales with thick haze and almost constant rain, latter part fresh gale and fair with slight haze. PM. held a Survey on board the Advice Cutter, on Slops. AM. fires in the Cockpits and between Decks most of these 24 hours. Carpenters employed shifting, or rather taking away the Bulk heads of the Cabins; and some on board the Advice Schooner (lately purchased into the Service, & the Cutter of that name disposed of) – Received fresh Beef. Washed below. At 9 arrived here from Carthagena, the St. Joseph a Spanish sloop of war. Made the Signal for a Kitterine. Aired the Colours &c.

Friday 17th. First part moderate breezes and cloudy weather middle part light airs and cloudy, latter part moderate and fair. PM sent Mr. Hinde Midshipman to the Hospital. AM sailed on a cruize H. M. Ship Proserpine, and a schooner for Barbadoes which brought Dispatches. Carpenters employed on board the Advice Schooner, and taking down Bulk heads &c. Sailmakers at the Yard; Armourers cleaning Arms. Received fresh Beef

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