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Revised Sep 4 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jan 2, 1793

Remarks &c 2nd January 1793

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather Out whale boat & sent for Lieutenant Portlock

 2 pm: At 2 the Island of Ascension SSE½E 13 or 14 Leagues distance. Saw flying fish and gannet boobies

 6 pm: Lieutenant Portlock returned to the Assistant – worked the pumps as usual. In boat.

12 mid: Fine weather

 4 am: Saw gannet boobies & flying fish.

 7 am: Served thick portable soup gruel for breakfast.

 8 am: Fine clear weather cleaned below and aired with fires. Exercised great guns and small arms – Sailmakers repairing Fore Top Mast Staysail – Served slops to the ships company. Portable soup in the pease for dinner sour krout as usual

12 noon: Moderate breezes and fine weather Assistant in company.
   Latitude Observed 6°·50′ South

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