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Revised Sep 4 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Dec 13, 1792

Remarks &c Thursday 13th December 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather. Carpenters painting Boats &c. Gunners as before and hands blacking the chain plates. Saw Tangle Weed.

 8 pm: Cloudy weather

 9 pm: Trade breezes increasing as usual at night.

12 mid: Fresh breezes and cloudy

 3 am: Ditto Weather the Assistant dropping astern; in Main Top and Top Gallant steering sails

 5 am: Made all sail – saw several pieces of Tangle or rock weed and a Sheerwater

 7 am: Served the usual breakfast.

 8 am: Cloudy weather – Up all Chests and bags and had a thorough wash below. Carpenters and Gunners finishing their painting; Seamen employed blacking & new stowing the Starboard Booms &c Sailmakers about the old sails. Served Sour Krout to the people.

12 noon: Fresh breezes and hazy weather
   Latitude Observed 19°·24′ South

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