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Revised Sep 4 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Dec 10, 1792

Remarks &c 10th December 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather

 4 pm: Ditto Weather saw an Albatross.

 8 pm: Lost a Log and three Lines. Saw a Portuguese Man of War (Nautilus)

12 mid: Fresh gale and cloudy.

 2 am: Shortened some sail for the Assistant.

 4 am: Fresh breezes.

 5 am: Made all sail – the Brig running a head as the wind decreases – Saw two Men of War birds.

 7 am: People Breakfasted as usual

 8 am: Pleasant weather; the air agreeably cool. Served out to the ships company Vinegar as usual on Mondays with Bore Cole & Portable Soup in thick Gruel for Dinner. Washed the Gun, Orlop, and Cockpit Decks, and aired with fires – Carpenters employed painting the Quarter Deck & Pinnace; Sailmakers on old Sails

12 noon: Moderate breezes and fine weather – Assistant about 2 miles a head – all sail set.
   Latitude Observed 24°:6′:10″ South

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