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Revised 2010-07-16

Bond's Providence Logbook Aug 20, 1792

Remarks &c towards Timor 20th August 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and pleasant weather with thick hazes. At 1 saw land from the mast head bearing W½S

 3 pm: Light breezes – At 3Hour:40′ hauled up, and in steering sails Island E from S66W to S76W. F from S82W to S89W G W N and D East S

 6 pm: In Top Gallant Sails and 2nd reefs – Spoke the Assistant who had sprung her Main Top Mast Trestle-trees

12 mid: Wore ship per Signal

 4 am: Made the Signal & wore ship

 6 am: At 6 bore away. at 7 made Sail

 8 am: A strong breeze and dark gloomy weather with heavy clouds – saw many Flying-fish – At 30 minutes past 9 the Assistant struck Main Top Mast – Shortened Sail. Employed working up Junk – Boats Crews at small Arms. [?] Fore Top Gallant Sail – Served the usual breakfast. Bore Cole & Portable Soup in the Pease for Dinner – served Vinegar – Saw [several?] brown Sheerwaters, Porpoises and a Devil fish

12 noon: At Noon strong breezes and fair weather with very hazy horizon – Assistant in company with the Main Top Sails set – Set steering sails
   Latitude Observed 13°·52′ South

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