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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jul 25, 1792

Remarks &c towards Timor 25th July 1792

 1 pm: Fresh gales and cloudy weather

 2 pm: Set steering sails foreward

 4 pm: At ½ past 4 saw the Island of Wytootakee bearing SWbw½W distant 6 or 7 leagues – In steering sails & Top Gallant Sails – Worked the Pumps as usual – Handed Mainsail & in 2nd & 3rd reefs Top Sails and hauled up – At 6 the round Hill SWbW 5 or 6 leagues – stood and on all night

10 pm: Light showers of rain

12 mid: Wore ship – Up Foresail

 4 am: Squally with light showers of rain. Wore ship

 5 am: At 5 fresh gales and cloudy weather – ¾ past 6 wore ship the round Hill S45°W, 3 or 4 leagues Set Fore Sail and out one reef Top Sails

 8 am: At 8 round Hill S59°W 6 or 7 miles – At 9 hove too tryed for soundings with 140 fathoms line no ground – Extremes of the Island from South to N85°E; round Hill S51°E distant off shore about 2 miles – Three Canoes came alongside

10 am: At ½ past 10 filled – At 11 Tacked ship

12 noon: At Noon Tacked Extremes of the land from S12°E to N88°E round Hill S51°E off shore 2 miles – Served fresh Pork & Plantains – Fresh gales and squally weather – WEestermost Key S¼W – [?] part of the reef SbW – Assistant in company
   Longitude of the round Hill by the Chronometers 200°-18′ East
   Latitude Observed 18°:49′:45″ South

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