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Revised 2010-07-12

Bond's Providence Logbook Mar 31, 1792

Remarks &c Saturday 31st March 1792

 1 pm: Moderate and cloudy. Shortened sail and out Jolly boat – sent for Lieutenant Portlock. Up boat and made sail – Saw 3 Tropic birds and 3 Egg-birds. – Exercised the Boat's Crews at Small Arms, and the Marines with Powder.

 7 pm: Saw a Sheerwater – The boat returned from having put Lieutenant Portlock on board the Assistant

 8 pm: Filled, in 1st reef Top Sails and made sail.

 9 pm: Ditto Weather

10 pm: Squally with flying showers

11 pm: Handed Top Gallant Sails – in 2nd reef Top Sails – Fresh breezes with a swell from the NNW

 2 am: Thick rainy weather with squalls

 4 am: In 3rdf reef Top Sails

 6 am: rain and squally weather

 8 am: Moderate weather made sail – People breakfasted on Portable Soup Gruel as usual. – read the Articles of War and punished [James?] Davis Marine with 12 Lashes for Insolence Served Krout & Sweet Wort – no Borecole to day. – Spruce Beer for ships company in lieu of Wine – Employed mending their Cloaths &c

12 noon: Moderate breezes and fair weather loosed the small sails to dry
   Latitude Observed 30°:46′ South

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