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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Nov 6, 1791

Remarks &c Sunday 6th November 1791

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy weather

 3 pm: Saw several Whales, Albatrosses, Pintada birds, and Sheerwaters.

 5 pm: Bent the Best Bower Cable and restowed the anchor.

11 pm: Fresh breezes with frequent squalls and drizzling rain

 2 am: At ½ past 2 hove to and tryed soundings 130 fathoms Line, no bottom – bore up and made sail. Squally, in 1 reef Main and 2nd reef Fore Top Sail

 7 am: Fresh breezes and clear, out reefs.

 8 am: Caught a Porpoise with a Harpoon.

 9 am: Fresh breezes and very hazy; saw a quantity of sea fowl including some Gannets. Set royals &c.

10 am: At ½ past 10 saw the land about 8 leagues off. The Sugar Loaf bearing S66°.30′East.

12 noon: At noon the Table Hill S61°East Lyon's Head S70°East Lyon's rump S73°East
 Moderate breezes and hazy, the Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed 33°·56′ South

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