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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 14, 1791

Remarks &c Wednesday 14th September 1791

 1 pm: Moderate and cloudy with showers at times.

 5 pm: At ½ past 5 very thick clouds in the SE and every appearance of a heavy squall. Shortened sail and clewed up the Top Sails.

 6 pm: Rainy weather

 7 pm: Made sail again. Set Top Gallant Sails. Got up the we Clothes to dry

 9 pm: At 9 passed through several strong ripplings.

10 pm: Dark cloudy weather.

 1 am: At 1 out 2nd. reef Main Top Sail

 2 am: Dark in the SE with Lightning Handed [?] Sails. Set Top Gallant Sails and out 2nd. reef Fore Top Sail.

 3 am: Saw several Porpoises

 4 am: Moderate breezes and fair weather

 6 am: Light airs and cloudy inclinable to calm. Showers at times – a strong rippling

 8 am: Light breezes with showers. Clean dryed below – Employed making Points and pointing the Fore Top Sail. Carpenters and Sailmakers employed.

12 noon: Under single reefed Top Sails and Top Gallant Sails
   Latitude Observed: 10°:58′ North

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