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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jul 31-Aug 2, 1791

Remarks &c at Spithead

July 1791

Sunday 31  Fresh breezes and cloudy weather. Employed stowing away the Beer. Arrived H.M. Ships Inconstant & Winchelsea. AM. washed and clean fore and aft – at ½ past 7 the Royal William made the signal for a Lieutenant – Fresh gales & fair


Monday 1  Fresh breezes and squally weather. AM. wind variable – People necessarily employed.

Tuesday 2  Fresh gales and fair weather sailed H.M. Ship Pomona – at * strong gales, Victory made the signal to strike Lower Yards and Top Gallant Masts got a range of the best Bower Cable upon deck – At 7 AM. more Moderate up Lower Yards & Top Gallant Masts. – crossed Top Gallant Yards and got ready for sea – received Fresh Beef – Fresh breezes and fair weather – Ships draught of water Foreward 15 feet:1 Inch Abaft 16.3

Water on board
Iron Ballast    85 Tons

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