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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook May 6-13, 1791

Remarks &c on board H.M.S. Providence

May 1791

Friday 6th  Moderate and dark cloudy weather. Entered several Seamen – Cleared the Timbers – Employed stowing the Iron Ballast &c ? a Harbour-boat from the Yard – Artificers employed

Saturday 7th  AM Moderate breezes with rain. received and served Fresh Beef – received the Main and Mizen lower rigging from the Yard and got it over head – Carpenters, Joiners and Painters employed as before

Sunday 8  Moderate and cloudy – received Fresh Beef

Monday 9  Light breezes and cloudy weather. Employed getting off the rigging and Boatswains stores – stowed the Iron Ballast

Tuesday 10  Moderate and cloudy. got the [?] rigging over head. received and broached a cask of small Beer – AM moderate breezes with rain – Artificers employed.

Wednesday 11  Calm and cloudy weather. received 45 chaldron of Coals alongside : employed getting them in and Boatswains stores from the yard. Turned in the Dead Eyes of the Main rigging – Coal-[?] employed from the shore to get in the Coals – Artificers on board as necessary

Thursday 12  Light Airs – employed trimming the Hold. AM. Ditto Weather with rain. Had a few riggers from the Yard, who only turned in the Dead Eyes of the Main rigging – Joined the ship Mr. Guthrie 2nd Lieutenant.

Friday 13  Moderate breezes with rain. received 60 empty Butts and 8 Hogsheads of Beer, and a small quantity of Provisions for present use. Employed stowing the Butts in the ground tier for filling – Carpenters &c still employed.

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