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Revised Aug 28 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 27, 1793

Remarks Saturday 27th July 1793 Towards England

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and very thick Rainy Weather

 3 pm: Bent New Fore Top Mast Stay Sail.

 6 pm: In 2nd Reefs

 7 pm: Hove too and Sounded with 160 fathoms of Line a very good cast but got no Ground

10 pm: Very thick Rainy Weather. Fires all Night to Air Ship and dry Clothes

12 mid: Burnt False Fires to show our possition

 4 am: Fired a Swivel to the Packet

 5 am: Weather Cleared Saw all the Ships well situated

 6 am: Wet Fog and at times Rain

 8 am: Thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast

 9 am: Cleaned below and kept up good Fires

10 am: Served Sour Krout and Spruce Beer

12 noon: Fresh Gales and Cloudy Weather. The Sun just appeared and gave us a good Observation
  Assistant, Packet and Guineamen in Company

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