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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 22-Mar 4, 1793

Remarks in Port Morant

1793 February

Friday 22nd Fair Weather. People Employed Washing their Cloaths. Sailmakers repairing Sails.
  Opened a Cask of Pork No. 15 Contents 125 Double pieces.
  This was the quietest and happiest day I had seen the Voyage, the most arduous part was full completed, and I had only now to reestablish my health which was very much impaired.

Saturday 23rd Ditto Weather. Employed about the Rigging, Sails and Wooding. We had permition to send a party on Shore to cutt of the Logwood Stumps (out of a Gentlemans Plantation) which made excellent fire Wood.
  Out Otaheite Friends remain exceedingly Ill

Sunday 24 Fair Weather with some Rain and Squalls. Anchored here a Brig from America. Hauled the Seine but caught only a few Fish. Employed Wooding and other Duties
  A Party on Shore on leave.

Monday 25 Ditto Weather. Employed Wooding and Variously.
  I was so ill to day as to be confined to the House and our Otaheite Friends were dangerously so.

Tuesday 26 Ditto Weather. Employed Wooding and Watering. Washed Ship and dried with Fires.

Wednesday 27 Ditto Weather. Employed as Yesterday. My health being bad I set off to Bath to drink the Water at the Hot Spring. In the Town of Bath the Thermometer at 8 AM was 70° and at Noon 82 Degrees.

Thursday 28 Fine Weather. Employed in the Holds towing away Wood. Sailmakers repairing Sails
  This day I began to drink the Waters. At day rode to the Spring and drank a full pint. It has a mineral taste, but not disagreeable.


Friday 1st Fair Weather. Employed as Yesterday. Caught a few Fish with the Seine. Arrived a Ship from Newcastle and another from St. Kitts.
  Continued to use the Waters and found myself much better.

Saturday 2nd Fair Weather with Showers. Caught a few Fish with the Seine. Got all Chests up from below and Washed Ship. I ordered the Ship to be got ready for Sea.
  I drank the Waters this Morning and prepared to leave Bath.

Sunday 3rd Fair Weather. Being returned from Bath, & the residence of the Gardener James Wiles & the Otaheitean Bobbo fixed on; I had to borrow a Kitterreen [carriage] to carry the latter to Bath, for both him and his Companion (poor fellows,) were but barely fit to remove out of the House. He was a little low spirited when he took his leave of me and cried, "I am sorry to part from you, he said, but as I agreed, I will remain here with Wild to take care of the Plants" With his Companion he felt no pain at parting; the farewell was like that for an hour. Bobbo is a very chearfull Man, and I am confident will be happy and well taken care of. I really think he will be the means of the Breadfruit being brought early into use, & on that account his life is valuable to Jamaica. Mydiddee was sent on Board extremely ill, and I likewise Embarked in a bad state of health.
  On Mustering the People, we found Torial Joss (Quarter Master and my Coxswain,) absent. It was supposed he had deserted to a Merchant Ship that gave 20 Guineas for the Run home, but joined to this he had been committing some thefts. Three Men who I took on board at Otaheite belonging to the Matilda also deserted. There is no accounting for the conduct of these Men.
  Our Sick List consisted of two Men in slight Fevers, two with Diarrhoeas, one with Rupture and two with Sores. Ships draught of Water forward 15 feet..6 Inches aft 15..3
  Unmoored Ship.

Monday 4 Fresh Breezes and Fair Weather. At 6 AM Weighed and Sailed. At 9 Read the Articles of War and punished Richard Franklin and Richard Upsdale with 6 lashes for theft, Thomas Austin with 12 lashes for insolence to his superior Officer.
  At Noon Yellows Point N10°E 3 Miles, Cow Bay Point N45W, Latitude Observed 17°..49′ North.

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