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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 3, 1793

Remarks Sunday 3rd February 1793 Hispaniola

 1 pm: Strong Trade and fine Weather. Several large flocks of Birds, Gull Specie, Black backs, White bellies, forked Tails and sharp pointed Wings, and are the same as seen in the South Sea & particularly about the Neighbourhood of the Island of Timor.
At 1 The South part of Island Beata bore true North about 7 Miles

 2 pm: At 2 hour..14′ Altavella true North about 6 Miles. Altavella came on with Island Beata at N40°E.

 8 pm: At Sun set Altevella EbN½N 6 or 7 Leagues. Extremes of Hispaniola in sight NW½W to NEbE.

12 mid: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather

 5 am: Hispaniola NW½W to NEbE. Two Sloops in sight.

 8 am: Squally with Rain. Cape Tiberoon NWbW, Isle de Vach N16°W about 6 Leagues.

 9 am: Mustered the Ships Company and Performed Divine Service.

10 am: At ¾ past 10 point Abacon true North about 5 or 6 Leagues.

12 noon: Moderate and Fair Weather. Cape Tiberoon N41°W, Point Abacon N32°E about 6 or 7 Leagues.
   Assistant in Company.

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