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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 2, 1793

Remarks Saturday 2nd February 1793 [Towards] Jamaica

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and fine Weather with haze.

 3 pm: Employed mending Clothes. Sailmakers making an Awning for the Quarter Deck.

 6 pm: Let fresh Water into the Ship and Worked the Pumps.

10 pm: Very Squally Weather and some Rain. The Assistant spreading too much from us, I made the Signal to keep a head and Sound. I altered my Course to make the Island Altavella.

12 mid: In Double Reefs.

 2 am: In 3rd Reefs.

 5 am: Out 3rd Reefs. Saw a Man of War Bird and Sea Fowl Flying Fish Grampuses and Porpoises.

 7 am: Served Hot breakfast as usual and Sour Krout.

 8 am: Saw Hispaniola in the NNW. Very Hazy. Washed below and Aired with Fires. Sailmakers about the Awnings.

12 noon: Fine Weather and Hazy with a Strong Trade. The Island Altavella N67°W distant 5 Leagues. Island Beata N34°W to N43°W 4 Leagues and the South part of Hispaniola N19°W about 4 leagues other parts indistinct.
   Assistant in Company.

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