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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Jan 14, 1793

Remarks Monday 14th January 1793 Towards [St. Vincents]

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and thick Hazy Weather.

 5 pm: Let fresh Water into the Ship and worked the Pumps.

 5 am: Saw some Flying Fish. Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast. Bore Cole Soup thickned with Oatmeal for Dinner. Vinegar a half Pint per Man. Krout as usual.

 8 am: Unbent the Old Top Gallant Sails to repair and bent the best. Repaired and set again the Main Top Sail.

 9 am: Exercised at Small Arms and fired. Cleaned below and Aired with Fires. Sold the Effects of Thomas Galloway.

12 noon: Ditto Weather. Under Fore & Fore Top Mast Studding Sails. Single Reefed Fore and Mizen Top Sails Double Reefed Main Top Sail and Top Gallant Sails.
   Assistant in Company.

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