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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Oct 13, 1792

Remarks Saturday 13th October 1792

 1 pm: Light Breezes and fair Weather. Sent the Whale Boat for Lieut. Portlock. Tropic Birds, Men of War Birds & fish seen.

 4 pm: Fitted the Driver and Sprit Sail Top Sail.

 8 pm: Dew falling.

 7 am: Washed and Cleaned Ship and Aired with Fires. A Stove in the Fore and One in the After Cockpit kept up with good fires from nine in the Morning to 4 in the Afternoon.

 9 am: Sailmakers Employed repairing the Awnings and making Hoses for the Pumps

11 am: Served fresh Beef.

12 noon: Ditto Weather with a continuance of the Swell from the SW.
   Assistant in Company

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