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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 27, 1792

Remarks Monday 27th August 1792

 1 pm: A Continuance of Fine Weather. Sent the Boat for Lieut. Portlock to dine with me.

 6 pm: Lieut. Portlock returned on board. Shortned Sail to Double Reef Top Sails.

 8 pm: Caught a Brown Booby and a common Noddy, Brown Plumage with a grey colour on the top of the head near the Bill.

12 mid: Birds flying about the Ship.

 5 am: Out all Reefs and made all possible Sail.

 7 am: Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast. Portable Soup and Bore Cole thickned with Oatmeal for Dinner. Vinegar ½ pint per Man as usual.

 9 am: Cleaned and Aired below with Fires. Exercised Great Guns and small Arms and fired. Painted the Pinnaces bottom.

12 noon: Light Wind and fine Weather with haze.
   Assistant in Company.

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