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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 10, 1792

Remarks Friday 10th August 1792

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and Cloudy Weather with some light glimmerings of the Sun in the forenoon, but Dark Cloudy Weather again at Noon.

 2 pm: At 2 Tacked off a parcell of Rockey Islets to the Westward of No. 2. A dangerous Shoal lay to the WSW 6 Miles, & the outer Islet bore SSW about 2 Leagues. The Cockscomb Hill bore about NWbN, No. 1 N75°W, & a distant flat Topped Mountain SW½W, No. 2 from S½E to SWbS.

 5 pm: At 5¾ hour Island V N56°E to NE½N Y NW¾N. The Westermost part of Z NWbW, No. 1 S75°W about 8 leagues No. 2 or South part of land SbW¼W.

 1 am: Tacked.

 4 am: Tacked.

 8 am: Extemes of Z NNW½W to N60W, Cockscomb Hill N54°W, No. 1 N78°W to N84W, No. 2 S24W to S44W rockey Islets S29°W to S46W

10 am: Tacked. Outer Islet S68°W 8 Miles. The Southermost land S26W called No. 3. the South Part of No. 2 as set before S29°W. No. 1 Island N72W, Extremes of Z N54W to N34°W

12 noon: No Observation Island Z N40°W to N65W, No. 1 Island W½N 9 Leagues Island V N30E Southermost and Eastermost land in sight SbW½W. Part of No. 2, 8 Leagues
   Plants in fine Order
    Assistant in Company


As we advanced towards the South land, we fell in with several rocky Islets and dangerous breakers. They lie North from it about 6 Leagues. As I could not weather the one or the other I Tacked to the Northward, and spent the Night plying to Westward.

We saw Smokes and marks of Cultivation about these small Isles, and a very high Mountain, (with a flat top) on the Western part of the land I had determined to go round.

In the Course of this day we advanced but little, for at Noon we had only made a direct course of 7 Miles, so that the objects about us were the same, and the weather very unfavorable to discern them.

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