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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 2, 1792

Remarks Thursday 2nd August 1792

 1 pm: Dark Cloudy Weather with light showers of Rain

 6 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 8 pm: Heavy Rain. In Steering Sails & Royals. I directed the Galley fire to be kept in all Night to Air the Ship

10 pm: Squally in 2nd Reefs

12 mid: Small Rain

 4 am: Fresh Breezes and Squally with Rain

 6 am: Out 2nd Reefs

 8 am: Strong Breezes and dark Cloudy weather. Served thick portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast. Bore Cole in the Pease & a half pint of Sour Krout per Man for Dinner

10 am: Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer. Exercised at Small Arms & Fired. New marked deep Sea lead & hand Lines. Aired the Cockpits with Fires and cleaned Ship.

12 noon: Fresh Gale and Cloudy Weather but got a good Observation
  Saw some Flying Fish and Tropic Birds
   Assistant in Company


Before I left England I was informed by my Friend Mr. Alexander Dalrymple that Captain Francisco Antonio Maurelle in a Ship called the Princess in 1781 Had discovered numerous Islands between the Latitudes 17°S and 21°S and between the longitudes 182 Degrees and 184 Degrees East. He favoured me with a Sketch of them and some Views of the land and extract from the Journal of the Ships track. The Northermost Islands Maurelle lies down in a parrallel with those I discovered, but 2 Degrees to the Eastward of them and about one to the Westward of the Friendly Islands. He calls them D. Martyn Mayorga Isles.

The Southen Islands he lies down South of the Mayorga and calls them Don Joñ de Galvezs Isles, he places them on a parrallel with the Friendly Isles and about one Degree west of them. It is evident their relative possition is sufficiently exact. I think therefor as one Group cannot be removed out of the possition he has laid them down in, without the other, that Captain Cook's track from Tofoa to Turtle Island, and my track in my Boat, demonstratively prove that Maurells Southen Islands and the Friendlyh Isles are the same, and that his Grand Montagne & St. Christoval are Caow & Tofoa. As Mayorga according to my supposition lies on a Meridian with the Northen part of the Friendly Islands, if I prove it to be so I evidently determine the rest. I therefore gave up all thoughts of revisiting Annamooka to determine this Point which is of much greater consequence, and may remain unknown for ever.

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