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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 19 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 100 - 13 Jun 1789 Remarks 1

At 3 The Coast began to form into Points from the Hills – First Cape makes [?] to the Northd. — Country full of wood appearance of shore water far from the shore At 4h. The shore low towards the shore covered wth. Trees & particularly those like the Palm Thatch which were taken for cocoanutts – The High land now began to terminate & trended West & all the southern part in sight low land as I have mentioned. – The Sun being over it prevented my having a good View. Could see but few Cultivated Spots — Run past the south part in 2 fms. Water a low shore & flat. Smokes within of clearg found. Dangerous shore for a ship. – At sun down shortened sail. Thus far having found no Town or Place to land – Expect to find the Residence of the governor on the West side which I suppose to be round the Westt. land insight which is high – Interior parts very mountainous I hove too lest I might pass any harbour. In the morng found I was to the Westd. of the low land & shoal water & stood along a high shore to ye west, covered wth. Wood without signs of cultivation. – Strong Gales & very Hazy - When I saw [?] Islds I supposed by my latd it was the sdmost part of Timor I therefore fearfull of being embayed hauled out to the SSW
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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